We welcome submissions of any genre! Our goal is to publish original, innovative, and authentic pieces. Send us your ghost and love stories, the letters you never mailed, your grandmother's bread recipe, and whatever else you create.
Do not send us anything that falls within the realm of hate speech. Work that is sexist, homophobic, or racist in nature will be declined.
We are currently not in a position to pay contributors.
Simultaneous submissions are encouraged! We just ask that you withdraw your submission if your work is accepted somewhere else. We retain first serial rights to work that is accepted by our press, with rights reverting back to author upon publication.
If your work is on the edge of acceptance but not quite there yet, editors will send some potential edits. If you choose to accept this feedback, we will be happy to move forward with it.
Send all submissions to: splintered.disorder.press@gmail.com. In the subject line, please state the genre your are submitting for and if it is intended for either The Splint or one of our anthology projects.
Examples : Poetry, The Splint OR Poetry, Anthology
In the body of the email, please include a third person professional bio that is no more than 75 words. Also, include a Twitter handle or any other social media link. Do not include the bio in an attached file, please.
Please include your pronouns so we can properly address you!
We prefer attached files, but if this is something that does not fall within your domain of accessibility, please send within the body of the email and let us know.
Send no more than five poems or two fiction/nonfiction pieces (1500 words max.).
We also are open to accepting visual poetry, micro pieces, digital art, photography, and anything else you might wish to send. When we began Splintered Disorder Press, we originally looked for traditional forms of writing, but were quickly inspired by the visual pieces sent our way.
When submitting, please tell us about yourself! We love reading about what interests you or what part of the world you're from.