Welcome to Splintered Disorder Press
An Innovative Publisher
Splintered Disorder Press is an Ontario based publisher featuring poetry, fiction, and nonfiction.
Red Skies was our first anthology dedicated to establishing a flowing narrative of the year 2020. With every day having been defined as a new state of emergency, more lives shifted into spectators and watched out over a new landscape of climate emergencies, risings to justice, and a nonstop medical crisis.
l health is at a serious crisis.
SPD designed Red Skies as a way to provide a response from a variety of creators with different backgrounds, each confronting and healing with art.
Find Red Skies at Amazon today!
Splintered Disorder Press Editors
Amanda Edwards (SHE/HER)
Based outside of Toronto in practise but in Ottawa in spirit. Her education in English and Publishing means she's haunted by books on the regular and has no hope of ever completing her TBR.

Rachel Small (SHE/HER)
Based outside of Ottawa, her work has appeared or is forthcoming in magazines including Thorn Literary Magazine, blood orange, The Hellebore, The Shore, bywords, The Wild Word and other places. She was the recipient of honourable mention for the John Newlove Poetry Award for her poem “garbage moon and feminist day”. You can find her on twitter @rahel_taller.

“Nothing has really happened until it has been described.”
Virginia Woolf

Red Skies
Red Skies was our first anthology defining the ever evolving year that is 2020. With every day being defined as a new state of emergency, more lives have been transformed into spectators, watching out over an altered landscape of dissolving democracy, climate emergencies, risings to justice, and also the never ending march of COVID-19.